The Doctrine of God the Sanctifier
The Sacrament of Penance
The Dogma and the Heretical Counter-propositions
#198 The Church has received from Christ the power of remitting sins committed after Baptism.
The Church’s Power to Forgive sins as a True Power of Absolution
#199 By the Church’s Absolution sins are truly and immediately remitted.
The Universality of the Church’s Power to Forgive Sins
#200 The Church’s power to forgive sins extends to all sin without exception.
The Judicial Character of the Church’s Power to Forgive Sins
#201 The exercise of the Church’s power to forgive sins is a judicial act.
Perfect Contrition
#202 Extra-sacramental justification is effected by perfect sorrow only when it is associated with the desire for the Sacrament (votum sacramenti).
Imperfect Contrition
#203 Contrition springing from the motive of fear is a morally good and supernatural act.
The Divine Institution of Confession and the Necessity of Confession for Salvation
#204 The Sacramental confession of sins is ordained by God and is necessary for salvation.
The Object of Confession
#205 By virtue of Divine ordinance all grievous sins according to kind and number, as well as those circumstances which alter their nature, are subject to the obligation of confession.
#206 The confession of venial sins is not necessary but is permitted and is useful.
Concept and Quality of Sacramental Satisfaction
#207 All temporal punishments for sin are not always remitted by God with the guilt of sin and the eternal punishment.
#208 The priest has the right and the duty, according to the nature of the sins and the ability of the penitent, to impose salutary and appropriate works of satisfaction.
#209 Extra-sacramental penitential works, such as the performance of voluntary penitential practices and the patient bearing of trials sent by God, possess satisfactory value.
The Priest’s Absolution as the Form of the Sacrament of Penance
#210 The form of the Sacrament of Penance consists in the words of Absolution.
#211 Absolution, in association with the acts of the penitent, effects the forgiveness of sins.
The Effects of the Sacrament of Penance
#212 The principal effect of the Sacrament of Penance is the reconciliation of the sinner with God.
The Necessity of the Sacrament of Penance
#213 The Sacrament of Penance is necessary for salvation to those who, after Baptism, fall into grievous sin.
The Minister of the Sacrament of Penance
#214 The sole possessors of the Church’s Power of Absolution are the bishops and priests.
#215 Absolution given by deacons, clerics of lower rank, and laymen is not Sacramental Absolution.
The Recipient of the Sacrament of Penance
#216 The Sacrament of Penance can be received by any baptised person, who, after Baptism, has committed a grievous or a venial sin.
The Doctrine of Indulgences
#217 The Church possesses the power to grant Indulgences.
#218 The use of Indulgences is useful and salutary to the Faithful.